Saturday, September 26, 2009

Still hanging in there!

I am still pregnant! 38 weeks today. This is the longest pregnancy I have ever had. I am also a lot more sore and tired and achy this time too. A lot more so than any of my others. We thought we were in labor a bit over a week ago but turns out the labor stopped after I reached 3cm. So we were sent home and now we wait for him to come. I do have a lot of false labor like I did with the others, but this time the contractions hurt like the real thing. It's all very misleading, and let's not forget to mention annoying!
I am hoping and praying that Andy will come any day now. Since he is going to be named after my grandfather, it would be very cool if he is born tomorrow because that was his birthday. We shall see...

Monday, August 31, 2009

Counting Down....

I am now 34 weeks and 2 days pregnant. Ryan was born in 2 weeks from now. Zach was 3. I had doctors appointments today and they both think that this guy will come around the same time. It's so hard to believe that I only have that short amount of time left, but at the same time, it feels like it can't come soon enough. I am tired often and achy and uncomfortable. I can't wait to have Andy join us but I also DO NOT want another NICU experience. So I wait. I have had a few painful contractions a day for the last few days and according to Dr. Neal, it has gotten me to a fingertip dialiation already. Dr. Hux saw that his head was very low into my pelvis already also. So, as much as it seems surreal that all of this is happening already, it also seems that it isn't going quick enough. Part of me feels that I should be cherishing this pregnancy and everything about it because it will be my last. At the same time, I am very anxious to have Andy in my arms and get my body back (or as back as possible when breastfeeding all the time). I know that after he comes, time flies by even faster, and that I am not looking forward to. I am just a big bag of mixed emotions right now. So much to think about and look forwad to and also to cherish. I love feeling when Andy kicks me and when he has the hiccups. I don't like when I feel like I'm waddling because he is sitting in a bad spot, cramps, not being able to see parts of my body, the swelling, not being able to sit comfortably, being so hot and sweaty all the time, charlie horses, feeling short of breath, being tired, not being able to bed over... I can go on.
I am so privledged to be creating this little life though.
((For some reason this thing just deleted a huge whole paragraph I had written on how blessed I am to be having Andy. GRRRR@ technology!!))
Sorry, but I am too tired to retype everything. I still have to get the boys in bed and I also wanted to do some knitting. If I really do only have 2 weeks left then I need to finish that blanket!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Andy's Game

hoping that works...
If not, just go to and type in AndysGame as the game name. You can take a guess as to when this new guy will be born! The closest guess wins!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Just Stuff

So not a whole lot has been going on around here lately. We have done a bunch of yard work, including putting down a patio, but other than that, not much has happened.
I have been trying to get little things done for this baby here and there. I need to work on his blanket.
We wanted to try to do some painting this week to do the room switch, but Jim has been working so much so nothing has been started on that yet. Maybe tonight if he comes home at a decent hour... but I have been saying that for a few days now. What we are going to do is put James back in his old room, which is Ryan's room now. That one was painted with his handprints so it was great for a kid room but now that James is a teenager it just isn't cool anymore. :) So, we have to paint that one, finally getaround to painting Zach's room blue and then paint James' room with a kid theme. Zach's room will be Andy's room when he is old enough to sleep in it. Both younger boys will be going into what is James' room now. That one is just gray right now so most likely we will be painting it the same way (the handprints) as Ryan's room now. I also want to get the boys bunk beds and then put Ry on the bottom bunk and Zach in Ryan's toddler bed. And when they are older Ry can go up to the top bunk and Zach on the bottom.
Right now I am using the changing table to hold most of Zach's clothes so before Andy comes we need to get another dresser.
I just hope to get this stuff done soon! I am nesting pretty bad right now. On top of that, on Sunday I started having timeable contractions. Those usually start for me the last few weeks of being pregnant but when I getup and move or drink water they stop. The ones on Sunday didn't stop for 2 hours! I was getting a bit nervous. Thankfully they did, but that scared me a bit to get more things ready for this guy. I figure I have about just over 8 weeks til he comes, but I know with school starting in about a month, that time will go quickly.
Ok, let me go do some knitting.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Been a While

Yes, yes, I know... I've been terrible at updating this. I don't know why, but I keep forgetting to get on here. So, for some updates- it's not a girl after all. We are having another boy. Andrew William will be his name most likely. Here are some pics-
This was taken at 16 weeks 3 days.
This was taken at 16 week 5 days.

This one was the most recent at 22 weeks 5 days, last Thursday. He ws weighing 1 pound 4 ounces.

Other than that news, nothing much else has happened. Jessie and James both have their last week of school this week.

We also have a ton of house projects planned. Hopefully next weekend we are going to put a patio in in the back yard. I also want Jim to help me with planting my garden. Now that his finger is healed he can help more. He had broken it at his birthday party. I'll have to post pics of that too.

Well, just wanted to get a quick update out there. I will try to be better at updating this blog. Now thatthe kids are out of school, hopefully it will be easier for me!

Monday, March 30, 2009

It's a GIRL!!!!

I am so excited! At my apt on Thursday Dr.Hux said that we have an 80% chance it's a girl. He also said Zach was 80% a boy and sure enough he was so I am trusting that he is right again. I also just had a feeling it was a girl but I wasn't sure if that was just my wishful thinking clouding my judgment. I actually picked up two really cute little sundresses on Friday when i was in the store. They were on sale, what could I do? It's really hard for me not to refuse a good deal. So here is a picture of Miss Natalie Grace.

Oh, and we plan to get another ultrasound to confirm this in a few weeks by a family friend. It's so nice to know someone who is an ultrasound tech!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Just Catching Up

OK I know I have been gone a while. Honestly, I have not been feeling well at all lately. This pregnancy has been kicking my butt as far as morning sickness and fatigue. I was telling Jim that only a girl would be giving me this much trouble already. I am actually hoping to find out a guess about what the gender is this Thursday. I have an appointment for my NT scan and when I had one with Zach, Dr. Hux was able to say that he was 80% sure that we were having a boy. He was right, so I am hoping for another good guess this time. Actually, since girl parts are hard to see I am hoping to hear that he doesn't see anything yet.
So what else is new here... Well, Zach is talking a lot more now. He has become quite spunky and is such a character. On a sadder note, he has finished nursing. I am sad about it but he did go til he was over 17 months, which is very long as far as most people are concerned. Me too. But I am still a bit sad about it. By being pregnant, whatever little milk I had left diminished even more and he also just seemed to want to nurse less. I kinda helped the issue by stopping to nurse him in the mornings and then he just stopped the night ones himself about 2 weeks later. I can tell sometimes he still wants it, which makes me sad, but he is over it kinda quick. I really don't have any to give him anyway. :(
Ryan is still as smart as ever. He is usually found playing on his computer and learning so much. I can't believe that he will be starting school next year. His favorite word lately is absolutely and also he has been asking if we are mad at him he he doesn't listen. Otherwise it's, "Hey guys, are you happy at me?" LOL He's such a funny kid.
Jess is still doing well in school. We signed her up for softball this Spring and she is so excited about it! She has her glove, bat and ball to practice on already. Practice will start around the week we come back from vacation and then games soon after that. I'm hoping she will enjoy it. She also just finished selling cookies for Girl Scouts. She sold the most in the troop (164!). So proud of her.
James is doing good also! He is pretty much the same height as me now (oye) and you can tell by the attitude he tries to give at time that he definitely is almost a teen. He is also doing ok in school, but needs to be reminded to take his time and double check his work.
Jim is still just Jim. Not much to update on him. He hasn't changed much lately. Still working hard and busy. He has been helping out so much with house stuff and making dinner every night since I have been so out of it. He is a wonderful husband and I am so grateful to have him in my life.
I guess that's it about us for now. After I get the ultrasound picture on Thursday, I will try to remember to post it. Fingers crossed for a girl!! ;)